Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear Mr. Principals, Mr and Mrs teacher, the jury took time to attend, the organizers, . competitors, and colleagues who blessed God.
Dear Mr. Principals, Mr and Mrs teacher, the jury took time to attend, the organizers, . competitors, and colleagues who blessed God.
Let us praise pray that Allah SWT has
bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here and on this day I will
deliver a speech about drugs.
In Indonesia, the number of drug users is so large, because of weak law enforcement in Indonesia international dealers can work with an Indonesian citizen and earn huge profits. Abuse of narcotics and other additives that would impact a broad and complex. As a result, among others, changes in behavior, health problems, decreased work productivity drastically, crime and other violence.
Narcotics are substances that can cause certain effects for those who use it by entering the drug into his body, the effect of a refraction, loss of pain stimuli, spirit and hallucinations. With the onset of effect is what causes hallucinations communities, especially among teenagers want to use Narcotics though not suffer anything. This has resulted in the abuse of narcotics (drugs). Hazards when using narcotics when not in accordance with the regulations is the addiction / drug dependence (addiction).
Drug addiction is a disorder that is chronic / periodically so that the patient loses control of himself and cause harm to themselves and society. People who are involved in the abuse of narcotics initially still in size (dose) were normal. Long-time drug user becomes a habit, after regular use mar later give rise to the same effect required higher doses (tolerance). After a phase of tolerance is over a dependency, was not able to live without narcotics.
Drug abuse can be prevented through such programs follow social activities, do not hang out with drug users or dealers, not easily influenced solicitation or seduction to use drugs. Drug users are usually dominated by the youth and school children.
Schools also provide counseling to the students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through Guru BP, discussions involving the students in planning for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the Narcotics alert program by identifying the characteristics of students who use drugs, be aware of any unwanted visitors or dealer, impromptu raid.
Usually dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware of school programs for prevention of school user or users, they do anticipate the course as best they can. Whatever their clever tricks, like as clever-clever squirrel jump, eventually falling as well. Moves to avoid detection sniper school is under their control, but given the addictive nature of the drug and higher doses menutut then discipline will be revealed as well a secure way.
In Indonesia, the number of drug users is so large, because of weak law enforcement in Indonesia international dealers can work with an Indonesian citizen and earn huge profits. Abuse of narcotics and other additives that would impact a broad and complex. As a result, among others, changes in behavior, health problems, decreased work productivity drastically, crime and other violence.
Narcotics are substances that can cause certain effects for those who use it by entering the drug into his body, the effect of a refraction, loss of pain stimuli, spirit and hallucinations. With the onset of effect is what causes hallucinations communities, especially among teenagers want to use Narcotics though not suffer anything. This has resulted in the abuse of narcotics (drugs). Hazards when using narcotics when not in accordance with the regulations is the addiction / drug dependence (addiction).
Drug addiction is a disorder that is chronic / periodically so that the patient loses control of himself and cause harm to themselves and society. People who are involved in the abuse of narcotics initially still in size (dose) were normal. Long-time drug user becomes a habit, after regular use mar later give rise to the same effect required higher doses (tolerance). After a phase of tolerance is over a dependency, was not able to live without narcotics.
Drug abuse can be prevented through such programs follow social activities, do not hang out with drug users or dealers, not easily influenced solicitation or seduction to use drugs. Drug users are usually dominated by the youth and school children.
Schools also provide counseling to the students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through Guru BP, discussions involving the students in planning for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the Narcotics alert program by identifying the characteristics of students who use drugs, be aware of any unwanted visitors or dealer, impromptu raid.
Usually dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware of school programs for prevention of school user or users, they do anticipate the course as best they can. Whatever their clever tricks, like as clever-clever squirrel jump, eventually falling as well. Moves to avoid detection sniper school is under their control, but given the addictive nature of the drug and higher doses menutut then discipline will be revealed as well a secure way.
Solutions that we can also do that:
1. Conduct in-depth education in each case what the underlying narcotics.
2. Closing / sealing the nightlife scene that has allegedly become a hotbed of drug distribution
3. Take firm action against any perpetrators of abuse of narcotics with severe punishment that deterred them.
4. Government should pay attention to correct law enforcement officers such as the police, prosecutors, judges and other drug cases that are not toying with giving lenient sentences to the ports of captured drug.
Possibility Happens In Narcotics Users
Many people think for those who already consume excessive Narcotics risk as follows:
1. As many as 60% of people thought that narcotics can cause death due to substances contained in the Narcotics interfere with their immune system so that in a relatively short time to take out the soul of the wearer.
2. As many as 20% of people assume that users Narcotics can act desperate / suicidal because users tend to have a nature indifferent to its environment. He considers himself not useful for this environment that spurred him to act reckless.
3. As many as 15% of people thought that narcotics can cause loss of control for the wearer, because after consuming narcotics. Substances contained in them working directly attack the nerves in the brain that tends to make impatient and out of control.
4. As many as 5% of people believe that narcotics cause disease to the wearer. Because in the Narcotics contain substances which have side effects that cause new diseases.
We hope that in our country, especially the general public aware of the dangers of using or consuming narcotics. Therefore, we as the younger generation should have been more careful in choosing friends hanging out, because if we choose one of the more friends we already knew has become addicts should we think first to befriend them.
For that let us avoid and stay away and go to combat drug use. Thus speech which can me convey if there are mistakes saying something over another the word, my beg sorry, because verily the perfection is simply belongs to GOD.For your attention I thank you and I end.
1. Conduct in-depth education in each case what the underlying narcotics.
2. Closing / sealing the nightlife scene that has allegedly become a hotbed of drug distribution
3. Take firm action against any perpetrators of abuse of narcotics with severe punishment that deterred them.
4. Government should pay attention to correct law enforcement officers such as the police, prosecutors, judges and other drug cases that are not toying with giving lenient sentences to the ports of captured drug.
Possibility Happens In Narcotics Users
Many people think for those who already consume excessive Narcotics risk as follows:
1. As many as 60% of people thought that narcotics can cause death due to substances contained in the Narcotics interfere with their immune system so that in a relatively short time to take out the soul of the wearer.
2. As many as 20% of people assume that users Narcotics can act desperate / suicidal because users tend to have a nature indifferent to its environment. He considers himself not useful for this environment that spurred him to act reckless.
3. As many as 15% of people thought that narcotics can cause loss of control for the wearer, because after consuming narcotics. Substances contained in them working directly attack the nerves in the brain that tends to make impatient and out of control.
4. As many as 5% of people believe that narcotics cause disease to the wearer. Because in the Narcotics contain substances which have side effects that cause new diseases.
We hope that in our country, especially the general public aware of the dangers of using or consuming narcotics. Therefore, we as the younger generation should have been more careful in choosing friends hanging out, because if we choose one of the more friends we already knew has become addicts should we think first to befriend them.
For that let us avoid and stay away and go to combat drug use. Thus speech which can me convey if there are mistakes saying something over another the word, my beg sorry, because verily the perfection is simply belongs to GOD.For your attention I thank you and I end.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb ..